MeatsPad is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge that is accessible to the meat industry.
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This week we share our microphone with Dr. Colle to discuss the effect of extended aging times on beef subprimals on tenderness and other quality attributes. To optimize tenderness, the meat industry utilizes aging as a practice to ensure a good eating experience, but in some cases, there are certain beef cuts that undergo more than 21 days of aging.
This week we feature two members of the K-STATE Meat Science group to talk about palatability and one of their most recent research comparing plant-based products to ground beef. Dr. Travis O'Quinn and MS Sam Davis discuss about their findings and how consumers preferred ground beef over plant-based beef alternatives.
This week we have the honor to feature Dr. Jesús Velazco, Director of Perishables at HEB México, who will touch on the current challenges faced by the retail industry in North America. He shares some tips for folks in the meat department to have a profitable and prosperous business.
Many countries pay close attention to the inbound quality of their pork products, and during this conversation we dive into how the industry is currently monitoring and evaluating these factors.
This week we sit down with Dr. Ty Lawrence to address some questions from meat processors on how much water we should use when processing livestock.
MeatsPad, founded by Francisco Najar-Villarreal from Kansas State University (KSU), is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge in a way that is accessible to the meat industry.
About MeatsPadFrancisco earned his PhD in Meat Science at Kansas State University and also created MeatsPad Spanish to serve the Spanish speaking community in the meat industry.