
MeatsPad, founded by Francisco Najar-Villarreal from Kansas State University (KSU), is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge in a way that is accessible to the meat industry.

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Our purpose—  

Each episode features meat specialists and professionals talking about a variety of topics in meat science, including animal welfare, meat production, meat quality, food safety, and much more.

for the meat industry comunity—

We collaborate with academia and the meat industry through conversations with talented and brilliant meat scientists to help foster and improve communication and knowledge dissemination within the meat science community.

Meet Francisco! —

Francisco began his M.S. program with the Meat Science group at Kansas State University in January 2016. Upon the completion of his M.S., he decided to pursue a Ph.D. in Meat Science at Kansas State University. He graduated with his Ph.D. in Spring 2021 and currently works as International Sales and Applications for Ultrasource LLC located in Kansas City where he continues to help meat processors.

One of his major accomplishments is being a father of two girls and being married to Daniela. His desire to help the meat industry move forward by sharing knowledge that can be accessible to the entire meat industry led Francisco to create the MeatsPad Podcast.

Meet Phil! —

Dr. Phil Bass is an Assistant Professor and Meat Scientist at the University of Idaho where he teaches and focuses his research primarily on ways of improving beef carcass value and palatability through practical and applied means.

Phil served as the Senior Meat Scientist for the Certified Angus Beef brand for several years where he led educational programs, innovative beef carcass merchandising initiatives, and analyzed data for the betterment of the brand and beef community.

A great
community —  

The meat science comunity has been a part of MeatsPad from the very beginning.

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Mark Holland

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Monica Maxwell

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Susan Collier

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Charles Powell