MeatsPad is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge that is accessible to the meat industry.
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Our very fist guest on this show is back! Dr. John M. Gonzalez, who is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia, returns to discuss about the use of growth promotants in animal production and its impact on meat quality.
Today we have a new format in which we talk about a variety of topics with Dr. Phil Bass. Dr. Francisco recently traveled to South America to learn and assist meat processors, and in this episode he shares his experiences and debates the importance of learning how other countries process meat. Among these are the effects of injections, producer-consumer communication, and meat industry academia.
In this episode we sit down with Maria Bueso Ponce from Honduras. Her passion for meat science has led her to become a leader in the meat industry in Central America helping modernize beef and pork slaughter floors and more in that region.
We travel to the other side of the world to talk with Kenichi Kato who is a Wagyu Beef Processing Expert in Japan. We discuss about the antemortem practices followed by producers in Japan to produce high quality meat. This video is sponsored by U.S. Meat Export Federation®, Ultra Source® and EFA - Meat Processing Tools®.
On this episode, we go back almost two years to discuss why MeatsPad was born. We share some of the ins and outs of this project and its positive impact to help connect the meat industry. We flip the table and Dr. Francisco Najar and Dr. Phil Bass are interviewed by Collette Kaster, M.S. and Deidrea Mabry, M.S. from AMSA.
MeatsPad, founded by Francisco Najar-Villarreal from Kansas State University (KSU), is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge in a way that is accessible to the meat industry.
About MeatsPadFrancisco earned his PhD in Meat Science at Kansas State University and also created MeatsPad Spanish to serve the Spanish speaking community in the meat industry.