Hosted by Francisco Najar and Phil Bass

The Official Podcast of the AMSA

The only place to hear about the meat industry.

MeatsPad is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge that is accessible to the meat industry.

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December 5, 2023

In today's episode, we have the privilege of hosting Dr. Rhonda Miller, a Professor at Texas A&M University. Dr. Miller will delve into the topic of oral behavior in meat consumption, unraveling the mysteries of how individuals interact with and enjoy different meat textures. Throughout our conversation, we'll explore key subtopics, such as the distinct categories of oral behaviors and how these preferences influence meat choices. Dr. Miller's groundbreaking research sheds light on the profound connection between oral behavior and meat texture, challenging conventional wisdom and opening new avenues for understanding consumer preferences.

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November 28, 2023

In today's episode, we welcome Dr. David Newman, Senior Vice President of Market Growth at the National Pork Board. Dr. Newman shares insights on promoting and marketing pork, emphasizing its value and discussing innovative strategies for diverse consumer engagement. We explore marketing challenges, his expertise in enhancing pork's market standing, and the ongoing innovations in pork fabrication. The conversation also touches on consumer perceptions, market dynamics, and efforts to reshape public views on the nutritional benefits of pork.

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November 14, 2023

In today's episode, we are joined by Dr. Lynn Delmore, a Food Industry Consultant, to explore the journey of securing USDA approval for meat processing plants and delve into food safety aspects within the U.S. meat industry. Our conversation addresses critical topics like HACCP plans and SSOPs, highlighting the significance of keeping abreast of evolving regulatory demands. We also tackle the crucial issue of allergen control and the ever-changing regulatory framework in the meat industry.

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November 7, 2023

In this episode, Drs. Francisco Najar and Phil Bass address multiple questions from small meat processes regarding meat quality. They also discuss about the balance between the use of growth promotants and marbling as well as how to monitor quality. In addition, they explain the importance of branding, value proposition and understanding your consumer.

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October 24, 2023

In today's episode, we have M.S. Lauren Christensen delving into the vital topic of "Caring for Calves: Hygiene, Colostrum, and Navel Care." We also touch on key subtopics, including the significance of maintaining a clean environment in livestock management, the importance of colostrum in boosting calf immunity, and best practices for navel care to ensure the well-being of young cattle.

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About MeatsPad —

MeatsPad, founded by Francisco Najar-Villarreal from Kansas State University (KSU), is a platform dedicated to sharing breakthrough knowledge in a way that is accessible to the meat industry.

About MeatsPad

Dr. Francisco Najar

Meat Scientist

Francisco earned his PhD in Meat Science at Kansas State University and also created MeatsPad Spanish to serve the Spanish speaking community in the meat industry.

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